How to Change Site Title in WordPress

It doesn’t matter how great your content is if you aren’t getting traffic to your site. Your site title is extremely important and helps to enhance user click throughs. If the site title of your web page is poorly thought out, it can push people away. Additionally, a well optimized site title will help with your search engine rankings too.

The Importance of Site Title

Your site title and tagline are key when it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Your article will be read by algorithms as well as humans. While humans read the article in its entirety, the search engine algorithms read them differently. Google’s algorithm will read your article as a series of keywords. If your article is well written in terms of keywords, it will be optimized for search engines, receiving much higher traffic as a result.

We all know that online readers will only scan through articles in a search engine before they decide if they will read it or not. This is known as the click-through rate. You want your site title and title tag to engage and entice people to click over to your website to read the entire article.

Make sure your site title is actually relevant to the content in the article. Otherwise, it could actually be missed by a search engine. If you fail to get into the content the reader wants early on in the article, there is a high risk that they will just press the back button and click into an alternative article for the information they require.

How to change Site Title in WordPress

Method 1: Change site title from Appearance in WordPress
This method requires 4 different steps to instantly change your site title in WordPress.

    1. Log on to your dashboard on WordPress.
    1. On your left sidebar, you will see the word ‘Appearance’, click here and then click ‘Customize’.
    1. Click into ‘Site Identity’, from here a page will load from which you can change the Site Identity by simply clicking the box and editing the Site Title by typing in your new Site Title.
    1. Depending on which themes you use, you will either have to click ‘Save Changes’ or ‘Publish’ and your new Site Title will be live.

Method 2: Change the site title from Settings in WordPress
This Method is slightly quicker than the previous method. It requires only 2 steps.

  • Log on to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Click on ‘Settings’ and within the ‘General’ option you can easily edit or change your WordPress tagline as well as your site title then simply click ‘Save’ when you’re finished.

While the first method has a few more steps, you will be able to see the changes instantly from ‘Preview’ on the right side of your screen. In order to see the changes from method 2, you will need to open a new tab in your browser. Then, open the site in order to see the changes you have made.


Changing your site title as a WordPress admin is a simple enough task to manage. It is not recommended to change your title site on a blog or a website that has already been running for a period of time as it can confuse your visitors and could jeopardize their trust in you as well as how credible they view you and your site.

If your site is new, or just not receiving any traffic, looking at the site title and how you can improve it, especially in terms of search engine optimization, can hugely increase your traffic.

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