Top 5 Elements Any Quality Website Should Have

A well-made, quality website is an essential piece to any business. It allows you to get your message across, build brand identity, and connect with potential customers. An attractive user-friendly website will keep your visitors engaged and allow them easily browse through your content.

So what does it take to build a quality website? There are a few important things to focus on to ensure that your website is a success. Let’s take a look at the top 5 elements any quality website should have.

Top 5 Elements Any Quality Website Should Have

Clean & Clear Homepage

Although a homepage isn’t always the first page visitor’s see, it’s often the most visited page on your website. This is where you are going to make it or break it on explaining what you do and who you are, which will determine how long your visitors stay.

The homepage needs to be clean, professional and easy on the eyes, just like the rest of your website. However, since this is often where you will make your first impression as a brand, you should take care to clearly state your message and make this page easy to navigate. Let them know who you are and what your mission is.

Professional Design

Having a professional, visually appealing layout to your website is also extremely important in making a great first impression. Regardless of what page the user lands on, you want them to be instantly impressed and attracted to your website, much like how merchandising is important in a store.

Your layout and design should be appropriate and on brand with your business to help visitors get a sense of who you are and create the best user-experience possible. Choose shapes and colors that are in line with your business’ branding and logo.

The great thing about websites is that you can make changes and edit them as often as you want to ensure that your customers are satisfied. See what works and what doesn’t, then make changes accordingly.

Responsive Layout & Design

In a world where most people are using their smartphones more than their computers, it’s essential for your website to be responsive to different platforms. For instance, a website that was built just to be viewed on a computer can be opened on a smartphone or other device, but the layout will be distorted and elements on the page won’t necessarily be in the intended spot. This can make navigation difficult and the overall look will come across as very unprofessional.

Using a responsive design means that your website will respond accordingly to whatever device it’s being opened on to make it user-friendly and visually appealing.

Correct Grammar & Spelling

This is a big one. Not will the content of your website come across as sloppy and unprofessional, grammar and spelling errors can harm your SEO and lead you to rank lower on search engines. If a customer is searching for something that you offer and you have it misspelled on your website, it will make it much more difficult and unlikely for them to find your website.

It’s always a good idea to proofread your copy at least twice, if not more. You might even ask someone else to read over it before publishing just to have a second set of eyes and make sure everything is flawless.

User-Friendly Navigation Menu

So your homepage was a success and the visitor wants to dig deeper into your website, or they landed on one of your inner pages through a search and want to learn more about you and your company. The navigation menu is their directory through the different pages of your website.

It’s important to keep your navigation menu consistent throughout the different pages of your website, meaning keep it in the same location on the page and keep the pages in the same order — this looks professional and it also helps avoid any confusion or frustration on the visitor’s end. The menu should be broken up into the main pages of the website. If you have a lot of content on each page, you can also include tertiary navigation which allows the user to navigate the content within one page.

The navigation area should also include a search option, this will allow users to search for specific keywords that will quickly take them to the appropriate page and save them time and effort of browsing through everything. If your site is a bit complex and supports user accounts, shopping, etc., be sure to keep the Sign-in/Sign-out, View Cart, etc., in a consistent and easy to find area as well.

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You want your website to work for you and not against you. Ultimately, user-experience should be your focus if you want to create an effective website and increase traffic. Users want to spend time on a professional looking website that’s easy to navigate. An impressive website will build your credibility and help you reach more people than ever. Look no further than the best web design company in Orlando to help you ensure that your website has these 5 elements to create the best impact!

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